Bring drinking water otherwise, treat water from streams and springs before drinking to kill harmful pathogens.Trails can be muddy and wet so be prepared to get your feet wet.Practice Leave No Trace outdoor ethics: do not build a camp within 200 feet of streams.Visitors should call Allegheny Wood Products to secure permission before traveling on the northern portion of the road. The northern portions of this road are on private land. The road makes a loop from Route 32 to Blackwater Falls State Park, covering much of the perimeter of Canaan Mountain. Driving is permitted, although you should exercise caution, especially when in a low-clearance vehicle. The road is approximately 18 miles long and good for hiking, biking, and horseback riding. Take Route 32 south 3.3 miles from the Blackwater River bridge in Davis to a large white sign that points to ""#1 Wilderness Road."" This is the Canaan Loop Road. Located west of State route 32 between Canaan Valley State Park and Blackwater Falls State Park near Davis. Motor vehicles are restricted to roads and parking areas.

Canaan Mountain is a high elevation plateau ranging in elevations from 4,145 feet at Pointy Knob to 3,100 feet near Blackwater Falls State Park.